
Showing posts from December, 2023

Hedonist to Hermit

  The lake is always quiet. It's shared by both Shanghai and Suzhou. Now, flies of some kind stupidly bump about, crashing into eyes and lips, but the numbers have significantly dropped. For two weeks they've swarmed anywhere within twenty metres of the water. May and I have had to change our walking route.  Life in China for the past three years has been tough. On the other hand, I've started an upward trajectory in my career. It seems I'm a teacher. I was focused on English as a Second Language (ESL), but now I facilitate the learning of literature more and more. That's a good thing. What is better than delving into that which makes us humans? Stories. Not being naturally gregarious, I've lived my own life here, shared with May. Without her I don't think I would survive well. At least, all that I take for granted now would be upended. The temptation would be to go more into the life of the flesh, or if I had the wherewithal, I would push the other way into